Info Purol Poeder Bedak Bayi Anak Dewasa 100gr

purol powder 100gr
Purol powder berbentuk bubuk putih
Berguna untuk melembutkan, memberi nutrisi dan memanjakan kulit Anda
Mencegah biang keringat, menyerap keringat berlebih yang menyebabkan bau yang tidak menyenangkan
Bedak ini juga mendinginkan tubuh
Berguna juga untuk menjaga kaki anda tetap segar dan kering
Bedak ini juga sangat cocok dan aman digunakan untuk muda,
tua, juga kepada bayi

Cara pemakaian:
Bedak ini sangat bagus dipakai setelah mandi
Dapat di gunakan setiap waktu

What is it?
Purol Powder is a pampering powder for the whole body and for young and old. The white powder has a neutral fragrance and a cooling effect.
What does it do?
Purol Powder is based on talc with zinc oxide. It places a layer over the skin, protecting it from the harmful effect of moisture on the skin. Purol Powder also makes the skin feel comfortable and has a cooling effect.
How to use
As part of your daily skin care routine after a bath or shower. Also ideal for babies. Keeps feet dry and fresh and prevent unpleasant odours. Also in many situations where the skin needs to be dry to boost its resilience: it prevents cuts from electric razors (also under the armpits) and is the ideal solution for people requiring long-term bed rest.

Harga: Rp 143.500

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